Depression Treatment Los Angeles

Your Journey To Hope & Healing

Feeling lost and alone? Does depression make you feel like the world doesn't understand? You're not alone. Many people struggle with these feelings. Hi there, thank you so much for visiting my page for effective depression treatment in Los Angeles, congratulations you're in the right place!. Your journey towards healing begins here. I, Leanna Lapidus, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with over a decade of experience, offer transformational effective holistic therapy and counseling services designed to help you overcome depression and rediscover feelings of joy, purpose, and increased energy. With my unique blend of hypnotherapy and holistic techniques, I can help you overcome depression and create a life filled with joy and meaning. Whether it’s improving your personal, professional relationships or your career life, I’m here to support you. With a deep understanding of the struggles you face, I provide you with a supportive and compassionate environment where you can heal and experience inner peace.

Welcome, I'm Leanna Lapidus. I Can Help You Find Hope Again!


In this supportive space, your mental well-being is my priority. I'm Leanna Lapidus, a compassionate and experienced therapist specializing in depression treatment here in Los Angeles. With over a decade of experience, I create personalized treatment plans using hypnotherapy, mindfulness techniques, and other effective approaches to help you manage depression and rediscover joy.

My own journey with mental health sparked my passion for helping others. Having navigated depression and anxiety myself, I understand the challenges you face firsthand. This allows me to connect with you on a deeper level and offer a supportive space for healing.

I combine evidence-based clinical hypnotherapy with therapeutic imagery and life coaching to create a holistic approach tailored to your unique needs. Together, we can create a safe and empowering space where you can overcome depression and build a brighter future. I'm here for you. Let's start your journey today.



"Life-Changing Journey with an Exceptional Therapist!"

I had the privilege of embarking on a transformative journey with Leanna as my guide, and it's difficult to put into words just how profoundly impactful our sessions have been. From the moment I walked in, I felt a sense of warmth and acceptance that immediately put me at ease. Leanna’s approach is not just about listening; it's about truly understanding. With remarkable empathy and insight, she helped me unravel the complexities of my thoughts and emotions, guiding me towards a deeper understanding of myself and my relationships.  Her wisdom, compassion, and genuine commitment to makes her a true beacon of light in the journey towards self-discovery and personal growth.

Marica C.


If you're searching for a therapist who will not only listen but truly understand, empower, and inspire you to become the best version of yourself, look no further than Leanna. She has my highest recommendation, and I am forever grateful for the profound impact she has on my life.

 Brandon B.


I met with Leanna at a time where I was experiencing life-altering events without a plan or direction in how to confront or overcome them. She’s been the guiding light I always needed, but never knew how to find. Her extensive experience along with her multifaceted approach in treating hurdles with frameworks and tools have helped me uncover the meaning behind these experiences. This has allowed me to shed the unnecessary skin of my past I needed to let go of. Change my behaviors and continue with a clearer heart and mindset. I spent the past year speaking to multiple therapists, and even a psychiatrist with the goal to better understand myself and the root of my issues. To no avail, I felt like I was hitting a wall until now. I no longer feel that way because of Leanna.

She is my cheat code.

anxiety treatment los angeles

Work With Me Because…

When it comes to depression treatment in Los Angeles, I stand out because I offer a personalized approach that combines transformational hypnotherapy with holistic techniques to heal root cause of depression, all to help you achieve lasting relief and rediscover joy in life.


Personal Experience:

Having battled depression myself, I understand the darkness you face. I walked the same path and emerged stronger. Now, I'm here to guide you on your journey to healing.

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Professional Experience:

Over a decade of experience empowers me to guide clients through addiction and emotional challenges. This includes 10 years of providing individual hypnotherapy and spiritual counseling sessions, as well as facilitating groups at Passages Addiction Treatment Center in Malibu. In my private practice, I utilize this experience to offer solution-focused holistic therapy, addressing depression, anxiety, trauma, and helping clients create sustainable recovery plans while discovering their life purpose.

Holistic Approach:

We'll work together on addressing the root causes of your depression, not just managing symptoms. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive healing and lasting results.

Experienced and Empathetic

Do you feel unheard or judged when you try to express yourself? My empathetic and non-judgmental approach creates a safe space for you to explore your deepest feelings and vulnerabilities. I understand the challenges of depression and offer healing and guidance with a compassionate and supportive environment.

Proven Results:

My unique personalized approach has helped many achieve lasting relief from depression. Brian M. (with permission) shared: "Thanks to Leanna's guidance, I no longer feel overwhelmed by depression. I have more energy and a renewed sense of purpose in my life."

Are you ready to feel empowered and take control of your life again? Call me to schedule your free consultation today!

Book your Free Discovery Call

Breakthrough Benefits of Working with Me for Depression Treatment

Choosing me for depression therapy in Los Angeles brings numerous uplifting benefits:

Personalized Treatment Plans:

I recognize that each person’s journey is unique. I develop individualized treatment plans that are specifically tailored to your unique needs and circumstances, ensuring the most effective and meaningful outcomes.

Convenience and Flexibility:

I provide the option of both online and in-office sessions, allowing you to choose the setting that best fits your lifestyle and schedule. Whether you seek the comfort of your own home or prefer an in-person session, I am here to support you.

Nurturing Environment:

My therapy sessions are held in a warm, inviting space where you can feel at ease and secure. Creating a nurturing and supportive atmosphere is essential for your healing and growth.

Empowerment and Growth:

My therapeutic approach goes beyond symptom management. It focuses on empowering you to take control of your life. I equip you with the tools and techniques necessary for personal development, fostering growth that extends to all aspects of your life, including relationships, career, and overall well-being.

Greater sense of joy and contentment:

The fog that often lifts with depression can reveal a brighter world. You may find yourself experiencing more pleasure in everyday activities and feeling a general sense of well-being.

Increased energy and motivation:

Depression can zap your energy levels and make it hard to get things done. After overcoming it, you might feel a surge of energy and a renewed sense of purpose.

Improved relationships:

Depression can strain relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners. Once you’re feeling better, you may find it easier to connect with others and build stronger bonds.

Enhanced self-esteem:

Depression can lead to feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Overcoming it can bring a boost to your self-esteem and a more positive self-image.

Greater resilience:

Having faced depression and come out the other side can make you more confident in your ability to handle challenges in the future.

It’s important to remember that recovery is a journey, not a destination. There may be setbacks along the way, but with continued self-care and support, you can maintain a healthy outlook and enjoy the newfound freedom that comes with overcoming depression.

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Awaken To Life: My Personalized Depression Treatment in Los Angeles!

Depression is a complex condition that can manifest in various forms and impact many facets of your life. I offer a comprehensive range of treatments tailored to address all types of depression, ensuring that each aspect of your mental health is supported. Here’s how I can help you:

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Major Depressive Disorder (MDD):

This form of depression is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can be debilitating and affect your ability to function in daily life. Through a combination of hypnotherapy, spiritual counseling, and life coaching, we can work together to uncover the root causes of your depression, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and create a path towards a brighter future.


Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia):

Dysthymia involves long-term, chronic depression with symptoms that are less severe than those of MDD but can be just as impactful on your quality of life. My approach focuses on developing sustainable, long-term strategies to help you manage and alleviate these symptoms. Imagine feeling more stable and in control of your emotions. Together, we can create a plan for lasting relief and improved emotional well-being.


Bipolar Disorder:

Bipolar Disorder affects millions of people worldwide, causing emotional highs and lows. You don't have to manage this alone. If you're struggling with bipolar disorder, finding the right support can make a significant difference. I offer comprehensive support to help you stabilize mood swings, understand your triggers, and develop a personalized plan to maintain emotional equilibrium. Together, we can create a roadmap for greater control and stability in your life.


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

Does winter bring you down more than usual? SAD is a type of depression triggered by seasonal changes, causing more than just the "winter blues." If shorter daylight hours leave you feeling low on energy, you're not alone. I can help you manage the effects of SAD and bring more light and energy back into your life, even during the darker months. Light therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and hypnotherapy can all be effective tools for feeling better. Let's help you enjoy winter again.


Postpartum Depression:

This type of depression occurs after childbirth and can affect new mothers as they adjust to the demands of parenthood. Postpartum depression can be overwhelming and isolating. My compassionate support and specialized techniques are designed to help you navigate the unique challenges of postpartum depression, promoting recovery and fostering a healthy bond with your baby.

Holistic Approach:

My holistic approach to depression treatment ensures that every aspect of your mental health is addressed. This includes not only alleviating symptoms but also enhancing your overall well-being. By integrating clinical and conversational hypnotherapy, life coaching, spiritual counseling, NLP Therapy, and Therapeutic imagery, I aim to create a treatment plan that leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Every step of your journey, I am here to provide unwavering support and encouragement. My goal is to help you find hope and clarity, guiding you towards reclaiming a joyful and fulfilling life. Your path to emotional wellness and inner peace is built on a foundation of compassionate and understanding care. Let's take this transformative journey together, ensuring that you feel supported and never alone as you move towards recovery and a brighter future.

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Feeling overwhelmed by depression? Reach out now and let's start your journey to freedom and a fulfilling life together.

Book your Free Discovery Call

Understanding Hypnotherapy for Depression and Why It's So Powerful

Personalized Hypnotherapy Unlocks Your Path to Healing. Hypnotherapy, a powerful and transformative tool for treating depression offering a unique and holistic approach to healing, uses guided relaxation to guide you towards greater self-understanding and access your inner strengths. In this deeply relaxed state, you'll explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe environment, paving the way for positive shifts in mood and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Imagine feeling hopeful and motivated again. Personalized Hypnotherapy can help you get there.


How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Heal from Depression

Feeling overwhelmed by depression? You're not alone. Many people struggle with it, and I understand how it can feel like a constant weight.

Hypnotherapy offers a safe space for healing. During our sessions, I'll guide you into a deeply relaxed state, quieting the chatter and becoming more receptive to positive change. Here, we can gently access your subconscious, where the root causes of your depression might reside. By working together, we can uncover those hidden patterns and address them directly, using positive suggestions and visualizations to pave the way for lasting relief.

Are you ready to start feeling lighter and more hopeful again? Schedule a free consultation today and let's explore how hypnotherapy can help you on your journey.


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Together We Heal: How I Use Hypnotherapy to Empower Your Journey

Uncover and Heal the Roots:

Hypnotherapy allows you to explore your subconscious mind, uncovering the underlying thoughts, beliefs, or past experiences that contribute to your depression. This enhanced self-awareness empowers you to address these root causes directly, promoting healing and personal growth. Together, we will work through these challenges, helping you to release the hold they have on your present life.


Enhancing Self-Awareness for Lasting Change:

By exploring your subconscious mind through hypnotherapy, you can gain valuable insights into your behavior and thought patterns. This heightened self-awareness empowers you to make positive changes. You'll become more attuned to your inner world, fostering a greater sense of control and empowerment over your mental and emotional states. This self-knowledge is a key factor in achieving lasting change and personal growth.

Empowerment Through Relaxation and Coping Skills:

Hypnotherapy induces a deep state of relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety while promoting a sense of peace and well-being. This ongoing relaxation is essential for maintaining emotional balance. During sessions, you'll learn powerful strategies, tailored to your unique needs, to manage depression triggers. These techniques, such as visualization, positive affirmations, and relaxation exercises, can be integrated into your daily routine, creating a solid foundation for mental resilience.


Develop Coping Strategies:

Through hypnotherapy, you will learn new ways to manage and cope with depression triggers. These strategies are tailored to your unique needs and can include techniques such as visualization, positive affirmations, and relaxation exercises. These tools empower you to handle challenging situations with greater ease and confidence. By integrating these strategies into your daily routine, you can create a solid foundation for mental resilience and well-being.

Don't wait to feel better. Contact me today and discover the path to lasting relief and happiness.

Book your Free Discovery Call

Your Personalized Path to Healing Starts Here: The Initial Consultation

Your journey with me starts with a complimentary consultation, where we will take the time to get acquainted and discuss your concerns, goals, and aspirations. This initial meeting offers a safe, welcoming space for you to share your story and explore your options allowing me to understand your unique experiences and challenges. We’ll delve into your background, symptoms, and what you hope to achieve through therapy. This thorough understanding allows me to design a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

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A Journey of Relaxation, Exploration, and Transformation

Each hypnotherapy session is a carefully crafted experience designed to guide you towards lasting change. Here's what you can expect:

Induction - A gentle release

The session begins with an induction phase, where I’ll guide you into a state of relaxation using soothing techniques and calming language. Imagine a gentle wave of calm washing over you as you release any tension and feel at ease, preparing you for deeper therapeutic work. As you relax you might find yourself letting go of worries and anxieties, creating space for positive change to emerge.


Deepening - A Serene Journey Inward

As you relax further, you will enter the deepening phase, reaching a heightened state of awareness within your subconscious mind. This phase allows for deep self-exploration and healing. Visualize this part as a serene journey inward, where your mind becomes more open and receptive to positive changes and insights. This heightened awareness allows you to access valuable insights and hidden strengths.

Therapeutic Work - Uncovering and Empowering

In this deeply relaxed state, we will engage in therapeutic work, where significant progress happens. We will explore your thoughts and emotions, identify triggers, and develop effective coping strategies. Here, I use various techniques, such as positive affirmations or regression therapy (if appropriate) to support and guide you with empathy. My role is to help you uncover the root causes of your depression and empower you to foster lasting change. This phase offers a chance to reshape old patterns and create new, healthier ones.


Emergence - Renewed and Refreshed

The session concludes with the emergence phase, where you will be gently brought out of the trance state. You will feel relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated, emerging with a renewed sense of clarity and calm. Many clients describe this phase as feeling like they have just woken from a restful nap, with a clear mind and a lighter heart.

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Throughout our sessions, I am dedicated to offering continuous support and guidance. In our therapeutic setting, you will always feel secure, valued, and heard. I am committed to uplifting and motivating you at every step, ensuring you feel empowered and confident as you progress toward inner peace and emotional well-being.

I'm Ready To Help You Clear Anxiety's Constant Chatter and Find Peace


Are you ready to take the first step towards overcoming anxiety and reclaiming your life? I am here to guide you on your journey to inner peace and emotional well-being. Schedule your free consultation today and discover how my holistic anxiety treatment in Los Angeles can transform your life.

FAQs About Depression

How long does it take for depression to go away?

Everyone's experience with depression is unique, so there's no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it takes to feel better. The good news is that depression is highly treatable. With a combination of my powerful holistic methods, including life coaching, hypnotherapy and therapeutic imagery most people find significant improvement in their symptoms very quickly. Remember, even if it takes time, it is absolutely worth it and it is possible to feel better and live an empowered and a fulfilling life. The best way to estimate how long it might take for you to feel better is to contact me for a complimentary consultation.


What can I do to feel better now?

Thinking positively when depressed can be challenging, but it's possible with practice and support. Start with small steps:

  • Gratitude Journaling: Write down three things you are grateful for each day, no matter how small.
  • Positive Affirmations: Use affirmations to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Engage in mindfulness or meditation to stay present and reduce negative thinking.
  • Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and recognize that it's okay to have negative thoughts; focus on the progress you are making.



How to think positive when depressed?

My customized Hypnotherapy has been shown to be highly effective in treating depression. It helps individuals identify and address the root causes of their pain, develop coping strategies, and promote relaxation and calm.

What not to say to someone with depression?

It's crucial to be sensitive and supportive when speaking to someone with depression. Avoid dismissive comments like: "Just snap out of it" or "It's all in your head." Generic advice like "think positive" or "cheer up" might be well-intentioned but can minimize their feelings. Instead, validate their emotions and offer concrete ways to help. You could say: "I'm here to listen if you want to talk," "Would you like me to help you find a therapist?" or "Is there anything specific I can do to support you today?" Avoid comparisons like 'Everyone feels this way sometimes.' Depression is a complex issue with deeper causes than temporary sadness.


Does hypnotherapy work for depression?

Yes, my personalized hypnotherapy can is an effective treatment for depression. It works by guiding you into a deeply relaxed state, allowing access to your subconscious mind. During this state, I guide you to explore the root causes of your depression, heal the pain, develop coping strategies, and replace negative thought patterns with positive ones. Many people find hypnotherapy to be a powerful tool in their journey to overcoming depression.

How to help someone with depression?

Supporting someone with depression requires a thoughtful and compassionate approach. Here are some effective ways to help:

  • Listen and Validate: Be a non-judgmental listener and acknowledge their feelings, showing that you understand and care.
  • Encourage Seeking Help: Suggest they see a therapist or counselor and offer to assist them in finding appropriate resources.
  • Exercise Patience: Recognize that recovery is a gradual process and be patient with their progress.
  • Provide Practical Assistance: Offer help with everyday tasks or accompany them to appointments to show your support.
  • Promote Healthy Routines: Encourage them to engage in regular physical activity, eat nutritious foods, and maintain good sleep habits.
  • Avoid Applying Pressure: Refrain from urging them to "snap out of it" or "just be happy." Instead, provide unwavering and consistent support.


Is depression a choice?

No, depression is not a choice. It is a complex mental health condition that can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, trauma, and environmental stressors. People do not choose to be depressed, and it is important to approach those suffering with empathy, understanding, and support. Seeking treatment and support is a critical step toward recovery.

What are the effects of depression?

Depression can be a powerful force that can impact many aspects of your life. Here are some of the key areas it can affect:

  • Mood and Emotions: This is the most well-known symptom. Depression can cause feelings of sadness, hopelessness, emptiness, and irritability. It can also lead to a loss of interest or pleasure in activities you once enjoyed.
  • Thoughts and Concentration: Depression can make it difficult to concentrate, think clearly, and make decisions. Negative thoughts and rumination (dwelling on negative experiences) are also common.
  • Sleep and Appetite: Sleep disturbances are frequent with depression, including difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, or sleeping too much. Changes in appetite can also occur, leading to weight loss or gain.
  • Energy Levels: Depression can zap your energy, making even small tasks feel overwhelming and leaving you feeling constantly fatigued.
  • Physical Health: Depression can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to physical illnesses. It can also worsen existing health conditions.
  • Relationships: Depression can strain relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. You may withdraw from social activities or find it difficult to connect with others.
  • Work and School: Depression can significantly impact your work performance or ability to focus on schoolwork. It may lead to decreased productivity, missed deadlines, or difficulty completing tasks.
  • Self-Esteem: Depression can lead to feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and shame. You may have a negative self-image and believe you're a burden to others.
  • Suicidal Thoughts: In severe cases, depression can lead to thoughts of suicide or self-harm. It's crucial to seek immediate help if you experience these thoughts.

Remember, depression is treatable. With a personalized treatment plan and support, you can manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life, for sure!


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