Break Free: How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Overcome Addiction

addiction addiction recovery addiction treatment alcohol addiction hypnosis to stop drugs hypnotherapy for addiction substance abuse Sep 12, 2024

A Journey to Freedom

Addiction doesn't discriminate. Millions of people worldwide struggle with substance use disorders and compulsive behaviors. While drugs and alcohol are often the first to come to mind, addiction can manifest in many forms, including gambling, shopping, and even certain relationships.

Beyond the Substance: Understanding the Roots

Prescription medications, intended to improve our lives, can become addictive. Their initial relief can lead to dependence, with users needing increasingly larger doses to manage anxiety, pain, or other issues. This reliance can spiral into a cycle of seeking medication, often through illicit means.

Similarly, negative emotions like anxiety, fear, or loneliness can become addictive. We become familiar with these feelings, even if they're harmful, because they feel strangely comfortable. Without healthy coping skills, they can lead to self-medication through substances or unhealthy behaviors.

My Story: Why I Help Others Find Freedom

As a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach specializing in addiction recovery, I understand addiction's impact firsthand. Witnessing its effects on loved ones fueled my passion to help others overcome these challenges. Through years of study and experience, I've seen countless individuals break free from addiction and reclaim their lives.

With over a decade of experience, I've mastered the delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit. My expertise in hypnotherapy and inner child healing, combined with a holistic approach, unravels the root causes of emotional pain, including addiction, anxiety, and depression.

As a former clinician at Passages Malibu of ten years, I intimately understands the complexities of addiction recovery. Her unwavering compassion and commitment to effective care were forged in this demanding environment.

Identifying Your Triggers

I often begin by asking clients about their cravings. Many identify emotional triggers like stress, loneliness, or social anxieties. Others pinpoint external triggers like financial pressures or judgmental environments.

Seeking Relief, Finding Liberation

Clients often describe using substances or behaviors to escape difficult emotions, find temporary relief from physical discomfort, or boost their confidence. My goal is to empower them to achieve those things naturally, without dependence.

The Power of "Why Now?"

Most clients yearn for a life free from addiction. Their reasons range from wanting better health to regaining trust with loved ones. They understand that their current path is unsustainable, even if they haven't yet found the strength to change it alone.

Uncovering the Root Cause: Healing Past Trauma

Addiction often stems from unresolved emotional pain, frequently rooted in childhood experiences. Self-medication becomes a way to cope with emotional wounds, but it only provides temporary relief. Treating the root cause is crucial to prevent relapse. Trauma doesn't have to be dramatic; neglect or rejection can leave lasting scars. These experiences impact how we navigate the world, even subconsciously.

The Human Connection: A Craving for Wholeness

Regardless of background or achievements, we all crave connection, inner peace, and acceptance. These are essential human needs. Hypnotherapy can help address these core desires and empower individuals to build healthy connections and find the fulfillment they deserve.

Break the Cycle with My "Choose Life Over Addiction" Program

If you're ready to break free from addiction and reclaim your life, consider my "Choose Life Over Addiction" program. This comprehensive program is designed to help you:

  • Identify your triggers and develop healthy coping mechanisms
  • Heal from past trauma and negative self-beliefs
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Develop a strong support system
  • Create a life filled with purpose and meaning

Taking the First Step: Your Journey to Healing

Investing in yourself is an ongoing process. There's no perfect time to begin, and the rewards of healing are immeasurable. Hypnotherapy offers a powerful tool to overcome addiction and reclaim your life.

Ready to Break Free?

Visit my website "Choose Life Over Addictionto learn more about my programs and take the first step towards lasting change.

With Compassion,

Leanna Lapidus

Get in touch with Leanna today

to schedule an appointment call 818-284-5309