Anxiety Treatment Los Angeles

You Deserve Freedom From Anxiety

Hi there, thank you so much for visiting my page. If you're seeking effective anxiety treatment in Los Angeles, congratulations you're in the right place! I, Leanna Lapidus, offer transformational holistic hypnotherapy and counseling services to help you overcome anxiety and embrace a life filled with peace and life purpose. With a profound understanding of the struggles you face, I'm dedicated to guiding you on your journey to inner  peace and emotional confidence. Choose from online or in-office sessions. Contact me today to schedule your free consultation and start your journey to a brighter, anxiety-free future!.

Welcome! I’m Leanna Lapidus and I Can’t Wait To Meet You!

Welcome to a space where your mental health and happiness are my top priorities. I'm Leanna Lapidus, a compassionate and experienced therapist specializing in anxiety treatment in Los Angeles. With over a decade of experience, I blend clinical and conversational hypnotherapy, spiritual counseling, NLP Therapy, Therapeutic Imagery and life coaching to offer a comprehensive approach to healing.
My passion for helping others with anxiety stems from my personal experience overcoming battles against anxiety, depression and constant fear, granting me a deeper understanding to connect with clients on a deeper level and support them on their path to emotional well being.
My empathetic and client centered approach fosters a safe space where individuals feel empowered to manage anxiety and create a more fulfilling life, making me a trusted therapist for anxiety in Los Angeles.

What my clients are saying

Have struggled with anxiety my entire life and I had kind of accepted that this was who I was and I just needed to deal with it. The older I got, my anxiety surrounding flying just got worse and worse and it would keep me from experiencing certain things. I had to travel to Europe for a wedding and knew I couldnt continue on my current path. A close friend had started to see Leanna for another phobia and was having great success. I was slightly skeptical at first but the change I have experienced is indescribable. I flew to Greece a few weeks ago and even my husband noticed the 180 I have made. I have also experienced a lot more peace in other aspects of my life and I cant thank Leanna enough.

Natalie Fletes Guerrero

Amazing experience for my 20 year old son struggling with anxiety! Just a few sessions with Leanna were life changing. He now has tools for life!!

Amanda Peters

Leanna is a healer. She is special and I’ve never met a guide like her. I’ve had multiple therapists in my life. Working with Leanna is different. This is not about going in circles describing my challenges or applying prescriptive thinking. This is holistic treatment. It leads from the heart and I’ve never met anyone who could guide me through it well as Leanna has. I no longer have anxiety. I feel secure and guided. And my self-esteem has never been more healthy. This is a wonderful practice and I’m so moved by the blessings it brings. Highly, highly recommend!!`

Jeff G

anxiety treatment los angeles

Work With Me...

When it comes to anxiety treatment in Los Angeles, I stand out for several uplifting reasons:


Personal Experience:

My personal journey with anxiety gives me a deep understanding of the issues you face. I have walked the same path and emerged stronger, and I am committed to helping you do the same.

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Professional Experience:

Over a decade of experience in:

Addiction Treatment:

Utilizing hypnotherapy and spiritual counseling at Passages Addiction Treatment Center in Malibu to address the root causes of addiction.

Holistic Mental & Emotional Therapy:

Providing solution-focused therapy in my private practice to promote emotional well-being. Specializing in Anxiety, Trauma - Inner Child Healing, Addiction Recovery Coaching and discovering Life Purpose.

Holistic Approach:

I combine clinical and conversational hypnotherapy, spiritual counseling regression therapy (trauma and inner child healing), life coaching and NLP to address the root causes of your anxiety. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive healing and long-lasting results.

Compassionate Care:

My empathetic and non-judgmental approach creates a safe space for you to explore your deepest fears and vulnerabilities. I am dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need to overcome anxiety.

Proven Results:

Many clients have experienced profound transformations under my care. My effective techniques and personalized treatment plans have helped countless individuals find relief from anxiety.

Stop Letting Anxiety Control Your Life! Let's have a conversation and walk the path together to discover lasting relief and happiness.

Book your Free Discovery Call

I'm Here and You Matter! Everything is Designed Uniquely For You!

Choosing me for anxiety therapy in Los Angeles brings numerous uplifting benefits:

Customized Treatment Plans:

I understand that every individual is unique, and so are their needs. I create personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific situation, ensuring the most effective outcomes.

Supportive Environment:

My therapy sessions are conducted in a warm and welcoming environment, where you can feel comfortable and safe. This supportive atmosphere is crucial for your healing journey.

Flexibility and Convenience:

I offer both online and in-office sessions, providing flexibility to fit your busy schedule. Whether you prefer the comfort of your home or a face-to-face session, I am here to accommodate your needs.

Empowerment and Growth:

My approach is not just about managing symptoms; it's about empowering you to take control of your life. I provide healing, tools and techniques that promote personal growth that spread to all aspects of life including relationships, career and long-term well-being.

anxiety therapy los angeles

Find Peace & Freedom with My Personal Anxiety Treatment in Los Angeles

Anxiety can manifest in various forms and affect different aspects of your life, creating barriers to achieving the peace and joy you deserve. I offer a comprehensive range of treatments to address all types of anxiety, tailored to your unique needs and experiences. My goal is to help you regain control and embrace a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):

Persistent and excessive worry that interferes with daily activities. GAD can make everyday tasks feel overwhelming and leave you feeling constantly on edge. Together, we will work on identifying the sources of your worry and developing practical strategies to manage and reduce these anxious thoughts.


Social Anxiety:

Fear of social situations and being judged by others. Social anxiety can prevent you from enjoying interactions, participating in activities you love, or job performance. Through compassionate support and tailored techniques, I will help you build confidence and ease in social settings, allowing you to connect more deeply with others.


Panic Disorder:

Sudden and intense episodes of fear and panic. Panic attacks can be frightening and debilitating, often coming without warning. By exploring the triggers, learning coping mechanisms, and with my customized hypnotherapy sessions we can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of these episodes, helping you feel more secure and in control.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):

Recurrent, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors. OCD can create a cycle of intrusive thoughts and compulsions that disrupt your daily life. My holistic approach and customized sessions focus on breaking this cycle through mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, and empowering you to regain control over your thoughts and actions.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):

Anxiety following a traumatic event. PTSD can leave lasting emotional scars, making it difficult to move forward. With a gentle and supportive approach, I will guide you through healing from trauma, helping you process past experiences and build resilience for the future.

Every step of the way, I am here to support and uplift you, helping you see the light at the end of the tunnel and empowering you to reclaim your life. Your journey to inner peace and well-being begins with understanding and compassionate care. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, ensuring you are never alone in your path to recovery. 

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Take control of your life today! Give me a call and let’s talk about taking your first step towards a clear mind and get freedom from anxiety!

Book your Free Discovery Call

Understanding Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Why It's So Powerful

Customized Hypnotherapy is a powerful and transformative tool for treating anxiety, offering a unique and holistic approach to healing. It involves using guided relaxation to achieve a heightened state of awareness. In this deeply relaxed pleasant state, known as a trance, you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and memories in a safe environment, paving the way for profound insights and lasting change.


How Hypnotherapy Works

During a hypnotherapy session, I will gently guide you into a state of deep relaxation, where your mind becomes more open and receptive to positive suggestions. This process allows you to access your subconscious mind, where many of your deep-seated thoughts, emotions and memories reside. By tapping into this powerful part of your mind, we can work together to uncover the root causes of your anxiety and address them directly.


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I use customized hypnotherapy to help you:

Identify and Address Root Causes:

During a Hypnotherapy session, I enable you to uncover the underlying root causes of your anxiety, whether they stem from past experiences or trauma, negative thought patterns, or deeply held beliefs. By bringing these issues to the surface, we can address them effectively and begin the healing process.


Promote Relaxation and Calm:

Hypnotherapy induces a deep state of relaxation, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels. This state of calm allows your mind and body to reset and recharge, promoting a sense of peace and well-being. Regular sessions can help you develop a lasting sense of inner peace that carries over into your daily life.

Develop Coping Strategies:

Through customized hypnotherapy, you will learn new ways to manage and cope with anxiety triggers. These strategies are tailored to your unique needs and can include techniques such as visualization, positive affirmations, and relaxation exercises. These tools empower you to handle stressful situations with greater ease and confidence.


Enhance Self-Awareness:

By exploring your subconscious mind, you can gain valuable insights into your behavior and thought patterns. This heightened self-awareness leads to personal growth and self-improvement, as you become more attuned to your inner world and better equipped to make positive changes.

You deserve the best! Give me a call and together we will begin a journey towards your peace filled and fulfilling life!

Book your Free Discovery Call

I Will Guide You Through Your Personalized Journey To Empowerment

Your journey with me begins with us getting to know each other over a free consultation, where you can openly discuss your concerns, hopes, and goals. This initial session is a safe space for you to share your story and allow me to understand your unique experiences. Together, we will explore your background, symptoms, and your hopes and dreams. This comprehensive understanding enables me to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.

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Each hypnotherapy session typically involves the following steps:


The session begins with induction, where I will guide you into a relaxed state using calming techniques and soothing language. This process helps you to release tension and feel comfortable, setting the stage for deeper therapeutic work. You might feel a gentle wave of calm washing over you as you begin to unwind and let go of daily stresses.



As you enter a deeper state of relaxation, known as the deepening phase, you will access your subconscious mind. This heightened state of awareness allows for profound self-exploration and healing. Imagine this phase as a gentle journey inward, where your mind becomes more open and receptive to positive changes and insights. 

Therapeutic Work:

In this deeply relaxed state, we will engage in therapeutic work. This is where the magic happens. Together, we will explore your thoughts and feelings, identify triggers, and develop effective coping strategies. My role is to guide you with empathy and understanding, helping you uncover the root causes of your anxiety and empowering you to create lasting change. This phase is an opportunity to rewrite old narratives and build new, healthier patterns.



The session concludes with emergence, where you will be gently brought out of the trance state, feeling relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated. You will awaken with a renewed sense of clarity and calm, ready to naturally embrace the positive changes initiated during the session. Many clients describe this phase as feeling like they have just awakened from a restful nap, with a clear mind and a lighter heart.

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Throughout your sessions, I am committed to providing continuous support and guidance. You will always feel safe, valued, and understood in our therapeutic space. Every step of the way, I am here to encourage and uplift you, ensuring that you feel empowered and confident on your journey to inner peace and emotional well-being.

I'm Ready To Help You Clear Anxiety's Constant Chatter and Find Peace


Are you ready to take the first step towards overcoming anxiety and reclaiming your life? I am here to guide you on your journey to inner peace and emotional well-being. Schedule your free consultation today and discover how my holistic anxiety treatment in Los Angeles can transform your life.

FAQs About Anxiety

How long does it take for anxiety to go away?

The duration of anxiety can vary widely from person to person. Some individuals may experience relief after the first session or within a few weeks of starting treatment, while others may take several months or longer to see significant improvement. Factors influencing this include the severity of the anxiety, the type of trauma , and the individual's personal circumstances. Consistent treatment and support are key to managing and reducing anxiety over time.


How effective is hypnotherapy for anxiety?

Hypnotherapy has been shown to be highly effective in treating anxiety. It helps individuals identify and address the root causes of their anxiety, develop coping strategies, and promote relaxation and calm.


What not to say to someone with anxiety?

When speaking to someone with anxiety, it's important to be supportive and understanding.

Avoid saying things like:
"Just calm down."
"It's all in your head."
"Why are you so anxious?"


"There's nothing to worry about."
"Everyone feels that way sometimes."

These statements can be dismissive, can trigger more anxiety and may make the person feel misunderstood or invalidated.

Instead, offer support by saying things like, "I'm here for you," or "How can I help?"

Is hypnotherapy safe?

Yes, hypnotherapy is a safe and natural form of therapy. I am a trained and experienced hypnotherapist who will guide you through the process in a safe environment with lasting results.


How to help someone with anxiety and depression?

Supporting someone with anxiety and depression involves several key steps:

Listen and Validate:
Offer a non-judgmental ear and acknowledge their feelings.

Encourage Professional Help:
Suggest seeing a therapist or counselor and offer to help them find resources.

Be Patient:
Understand that recovery takes time and be patient with their progress.

Offer Practical Support:
Help with daily tasks or accompany them to appointments if needed.

Promote Healthy Habits:
Encourage regular exercise, healthy eating, positive mindset and good sleep hygiene.

Avoid Pressure:
Don't pressure them to "cheer up" or "get over it"; instead, offer consistent support.

Which best describes mild anxiety?

Mild anxiety is characterized by feelings of nervousness or worry that are relatively manageable and do not significantly interfere with daily activities. Individuals with mild anxiety may experience symptoms such as restlessness, slight tension, or occasional difficulty concentrating. These feelings are typically short-lived and may be triggered by specific situations, negative thinking, upcoming job interview or a new social event. While mild anxiety can be uncomfortable, it does not usually impede one's ability to function in everyday life and can often be managed with basic coping strategies and relaxation techniques.


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